VR Simulated Procedural Training

Turn your Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) into a virtual reality experience.

Complete On Time

By following an "Agile" methodology, we make sure that we deliver on time.

Professional Expertise

A hallmark of a great VR experience is how it "feels". We make sure we deliver on smooth play, graphics, without the bugs!

Seamless Implementation

We have a well organized system to seamlessly integrate the virtual reality learning experience in your company.

Continued Tech Support

With lifetime tech support, you never have to feel like you are on your own.

Have you examined how well your staff have adopted your Standard Operation Procedures?

Whether you have an internal training program or haven’t had a change to update it, chances are that it’s not performing the way you envisioned it to.

Are you:

  • Seeing staff are not properly trained on safety procedures? This leads to workplace injuries.
  • Tired of the fact that not all employees are trained equally well across the board? Just one untrained employee can lead to poor customer satisfaction.
  • Concerned about hiring someone who might not be able to follow proper procedures? This leads to lower productivity from hiring the wrong person.

You deserve a robuts training program that will create a more productive work enviornment though improved learning, safety, all while reducing costs.

At Anastasia VR, we build simulations of your current standard operating procedures in virtual reality that you can use to train your staff. This leads to increased learning retention, reduced training costs, and increased customer engagement with your brand. The types of training that you would do with your staff is limitless.

Frequently asked questions

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The best headset on the market is the Oculus 2 and it’s the one that we recommend because it will work seamlessly with our apps.

When we develop a virtual reality procedural training for your particular Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), you’ll be able to use it to train your staff without having to slow down production. You’ll also don’t need to take away time from experienced staff to train the new staff. You can also use this to train your staff under the same set of standards. 

We do many things on the development side to make the user experience feel comfortable and realistic. What we focus on is great user experience so that your staff are not only enjoying the experience, but are feeling safe trying it. 

There are many types of metrics that we can use to measure effectiveness. It all comes down to engagement and we need to track that. Some of the ways are to track time to completion, create pop quizzes, give points, and have a leaderboard. But it really depends on your particular situation and we help with that.